Sabtu, 22 Jun 2013


Islam" means "Peace through the submission to God that is ALLAH S.W.T.Islam" means "Peace through the submission to God.Besides that,Islam is not a cult. Its followers number over 1.5 billion worldwide. Along with Judaism and Christianity, it is considered to be one of the three Abrahamic traditions.There are five pillars of practice in Islam. These practices must be undertaken with the best of effort in order to be considered a true Muslim: A) Shahadah - declaration of faith in the oneness of God and that Muhammad is the last prophet of God. B) Formal prayer five times a day. C) Fasting during the daylight hours in the month of Ramadan. D) Poor-due "tax" - 2.5% of one's savings given to the needy at the end of each year. E) Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once, if physically and financially able.

Islam is a complete way of life that governs all facets of life: moral, spiritual, social, political, economical, intellectual, etc.Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. To become Muslim, a person of any race or culture must say a simple statement, the shahadah, that bears witness to the belief in the One God and that Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet of God.
"Allah" is an Arabic word that means "God". Muslims also believe that "Allah" is the personal name of God.

Women are not oppressed in Islam. Any Muslim man that oppresses a woman is not following Islam. Among the many teachings of Prophet Muhammad that protected the rights and dignity of women is his saying, "...the best among you are those who treat their wives well." (Tirmidhi). Islam grants women numerous rights in the home and in society. Among them are the right to earn money, to financial support, to an education, to an inheritance, to being treated kindly, to vote, to a dowry, to keep their maiden name, to worship in a mosque, etc., etc.Arranged marriages are allowed in Islam but are not required. Whereas "forced" marriages, usually stemming from cultural practice, are forbidden. Divorce is permissible, however, reconciliation is what is most encouraged. But if there are irreconcilable differences then Islam permits a fair and just divorce.

Example of the Holy Quran

Quran have been decide of our prophet Muhammad ,quran is before called Taurat.And before Taurat is Kitab Zabur.

The Greenhouse Effect

simplified greenhouse effect

What is the greenhouse effect?

There are two common meanings of the term "greenhouse effect". There is a "natural" greenhouse effect that keeps the Earth's climate warm and habitable. There is also the "man-made" greenhouse effect, which is the enhancement of Earth's natural greenhouse effect by the addition of greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuels (mainly petroleum, coal, and natural gas). 

In order to understand how the greenhouse effect operates, we need to first understand "infrared radiation". Greenhouse gases reduce the rate at which the Earth's surface loses infrared radiation to outer space. Because one way to increase the temperature of anything is to reduce its rate of energy loss to its surroundings, this makes the Earth's surface and lower atmosphere warmer than they would otherwise be.

The greenhouse effect refers to circumstances where the short wavelengths ofvisible light from the sun pass through a transparent medium and are absorbed, but the longer wavelengths of the infrared re-radiation from the heated objects are unable to pass through that medium. The trapping of the long wavelength radiation leads to more heating and a higher resultant temperature. Besides the heating of an automobile by sunlight through the windshield and the namesake example of heating the greenhouse by sunlight passing through sealed, transparent windows, the greenhouse effect has been widely used to describe the trapping of excess heat by the rising concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

Bright sunlight will effectively warm your car on a cold, clear day by thegreenhouse effect. The longer infrared wavelengths radiated by sun-warmed objects do not pass readily through the glass. The entrapment of this energy warms the interior of the vehicle. The trapping of the hot air so that it cannot rise and lose the energy by convection also plays a major role.

Short wavelengths ofvisible light are readily transmitted through the transparentwindshield. (Otherwise you wouldn't be able to see through it!)

Shorter wavelengths of ultraviolet light are largely blocked by glass since they have greater quantum energies which have absorption mechanisms in the glass. Even though you may be uncomfortably warm with bright sunlight streaming through, you will not be sunburned.

Selasa, 18 Jun 2013

How Spark Plugs Work

The spark plug is quite simple in theory: It forces electricity to arc across a gap, just like a bolt of lightning. The electricity must be at a very high voltage in order to travel across the gap and create a good spark. Voltage at the spark plug can be anywhere from 40,000 to 100,000 volts.
The spark plug must have an insulated passageway for this high voltage to travel down to the electrode, where it can jump the gap and, from there, be conducted into the engine block and grounded. The plug also has to withstand the extreme heat and pressure inside the cylinder, and must be designed so that deposits from fuel additives do not build up on the plug

Spark Plug

Spark plugs use a ceramic insert to isolate the high voltage at the electrode, ensuring that the spark happens at the tip of the electrode and not anywhere else on the plug; this insert does double-duty by helping to burn off deposits. Ceramic is a fairly poor heat conductor, so the material gets quite hot during operation. This heat helps to burn off deposits from the electrode.
Some cars require a hot plug. This type of plug is designed with a ceramic insert that has a smaller contact area with the metal part of the plug. This reduces the heat transfer from the ceramic, making it run hotter and thus burn away more deposits. Cold plugs are designed with more contact area, so they run cooler.

Spark Plug
The difference between a "hot" and a "cold" spark plug is in the shape of the ceramic tip.
The carmaker will select the right temperature plug for each car. Some cars with high-performance engines naturally generate more heat, so they need colder plugs. If the spark plug gets too hot, it could ignite the fuel before the spark fires; so it is important to stick with the right type of plug for your car.
Next, we'll learn about the coil that generates the high voltages required to create a spark.

Causes of Overheating:

  • Spark plug heat range too hot
  • Insufficient tightening torque and/or no gasket
  • Over-advanced ignition timing
  • Fuel octane rating too low (knock is present)
  • Excessively lean air-fuel mixture
  • Excessive combustion chamber deposits
  • Continuous driving under excessively heavy load
  • Insufficient engine cooling or lubrication

Jumaat, 14 Jun 2013

BATU PAHAT: (My H0me towN)

Batu Pahat has developed rapidly over the past few years, its growth encouraged by people from neighbouring townships who come to visit the local shopping centres.Batu Pahat has developed rapidly over the past few years, its growth encouraged by people from neighbouring townships who come to visit the local shopping centres,such as Batu Pahat Mall or short name is (BpMall), Square One,Carrefour,Summit Parade and others.

         This is the picture i will gave you to look my hometown:

This is Batu Pahat.

While this is Square One.

Carrefour is beside each other to square one shopping complex.



Minyak Beku Agrotourism Resort is located in Kampung Minyak Beku which is far away from the noise of the Batu Pahat City.The concept in this resort is to be green,natural and enviromently.For who those want to seek a peaceful mind,this is a right place to find.This resort is already have been modern,its a simple but look natural.

   In this place of exotic got two resort,at first place you will find the jetty.At this place,there are many function such as karaoke,clubbing,hotel,cycling activity and many more.this is right place to go the honeymoon.Everything got night dinner,there are many restaurants.Exotic food is also provided.Many varierty food you will found at here,malay food,chinese food,mamak and many more.


The resort is 8 KM away from the city, which is built on the seaside. The Minyak Beku Agrotourism Resort also provide modern and well-appointed event venues for wedding banquets, business conferences, meetings, private dinners and cocktails up to 300 guests. The hotel is easy 30 minutes drive from the Batu Pahat City, 3 minutes from Minyak Beku Ferry Terminal.

We have provided bicycle renting services for clients to enjoy happy riding in our resort area. We have also just constructed a high quality remote control cars racing tracks and will organise grand- prix for radio operated cars (remote control cars) in  near future. Interested people may use the tracks to run their own radio-operated car with moderate charges.

Beauty scene dawn at minyak beku.


" Minyak Beku may not be very suited for swimming, but for fishing enthusiasts, you will do well visiting this beach."
History has it that Minyak Beku was founded by Daeng Ahmad, a distant descendant of Bugis royalty, in 1811, under the rule of Dato' Temenggung Abdul Rahman Sri Maharaja Johor who wished for a settlement to be created in the west coast of Johor. It is said that in the area that was opened up for this settlement, there stood a tall keruing tree which eked out a yellow sap that coagulates easily, thus the name Minyak Beku (literally translated to 'coagulated oil').
Although Minyak Beku beach is not suitable for swimming, is a nice ground for fishing and to enjoy the cool air. There is an old fishing village nearby, as well as a disused quarry that offers an interesting glimpse of stone or sand processing. It is also said that Minyak Beku is a good place to go if you fancy doing some relaxing fishing. The nearby Orang Asli Settlement and the Segenting Chinese fishing village makes for an interesting visit.


Malay Food

Nasi Dagang
The dish is made by cooking rice and glutinous rice together, to which coconut cream is added once it is cooked. Nasi Dagang is eaten with its own specially made side dishes of tuna fish curry and a light vegetable pickle.

Keropok Lekor / Keping
A popular and the most visible fried snack in Terengganu, the keropok is made of fish meat, ground to a paste, and mixed with sago. Coming in two main different forms, the long chewy ones are called 'lekor', while the thin, crispy ones are called 'keping'. Keropok is best eaten hot with its special chili dip.

Ayam Goreng
This is a popular chicken dish. Simply meaning fried chicken, this dish is prepared by first marinating the chicken with various spices like turmeric and curry powder. It is then deep fried in hot oil and served.

A delightful yet simple dish, the laksam is akin to the western pasta dish. Like the latter, it has both the flour dough and the gravy that goes with it. However, unlike the pasta, laksam is made using both wheat and rice flours, and the dough is steamed instead of boiled. Laksam's gravy is made of fish meat, which is boiled, pureed, and later mixed with coconut milk.
 Roti Canai
Roti Canai is a kind of pancake prepared with wheat flour, eggs, ghee, or butter. It is eaten with meat or chicken curry. Best eaten hot, it is a perennial favorite served at most roadside stalls.

 Nasi Lemak
Nasi or rice is cooked in coconut milk and served with anchovies in chili sauce, a few slices of cucumber and a sliced, boiled egg.

 Nasi Goreng
This is white rice cooked with anchovies, prawns and chilies. A fried egg sunny side up is usually added.

 Nasi Dagang
Glutinous rice cooked in coconut milk and served with fish curry, cucumber pickles, and coconut sambal. It is a favorite breakfast in the east coast states of Kelantan and Terengganu.

Indian Food
• ChapatisAs well as rice, a number of different styles of unleavened, wheat-flour bread are eaten with Indian cuisine. Chutneys, pickles, and relishes are always served to complement and balance the main dishes.

• Pappadum Rolls
Pappadums are made from lentil flour and are sometimes flavored with whole cumin seeds. These flat, thin breads are almost always made in factories by skilled workers and are sold all over the world in small, plastic wrapped packets containing about 30 pappadums.

• Hot Pork Curry
The most popular meat in India is goat and lamb. Beef is not generally eaten for religious reasons. This dish can be made with beef or duck.

• Piquant Chick Peas
Much of the Indian population is vegetarian, and they enjoy the most extensive vegetable dishes in the world. Each region has distinct cooking techniques and flavoring principles for these dishes.

• Spiced Potato Samosas
Serve hot with tamarind sauce, sweet chili sauce of fresh miny chutney.

• Saffron Chicken Pullao
In a pan with a heavy base, stir rice in half ghee until the grains are well coated. Add saffron and spices and pour in 3 cups cold water. Cover and bring to boil, then reduce heat to lowest point and cook without removing the lid for 20 minutes. Let the dish sit for 5 minutes before serving.

• Tandoori Chicken Kebabs
Chicken is highly regarded in India and often served at special occasions. Shop-bought tandoori and vindaloo pastes can be kept tightly closed in the refrigerator for several months.

Variety is the spice in Malay food. The traditional culinary style has been greatly influenced by the long-ago traders from neighboring countries, such as Indonesia, India, the Middle East, and China. Malay food is often described as spicy and flavorful as it utilizes a melting pot of spices and herbs.
Malay cooking incorporates ingredients such as lemon grass, pandan (screwpine) leaves, and kaffir lime leaves. Fresh herbs, such as daun kemangi (a type of basil), daun kesum (polygonum or laksa leaf), nutmeg, kunyit (turmeric) and bunga kantan (wild ginger buds) are often used. Traditional spices such as cumin and coriander are used in conjunction with Indian and Chinese spices such as pepper, cardamom, star anise and fenugreek. Seasonings play an important role in Malay cooking as they often enhance the food taste and flavors. Many of the seasonings are not dried spices but are fresh ingredients such as fresh turmeric, galangal, fresh chili paste, onions, and garlic. A combination of fresh seasonings and dried spices are normally pounded together to make a fine paste and cooked in oil. Fresh coconut milk is often added.
Rice is the staple diet in any Malay meal. It is often served for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and supper too. Most meals are eaten by using your fingers, and eating utensils are kept to a minimum. All dishes are served at the same time, accompanied by a refreshing drink. Fish is popular in Malay cooking, as with other seafood such as shrimps and cuttlefish. Beef and mutton are very popular choices but never pork as it is against their religious beliefs to eat pork. The other popular white meat is chicken.
One of th

Most unique Malay dishes is the "roti jala" (lacy pancakes), which sometimes replaces the staple rice. Roti jala is an ideal accompaniment to any dish with lots of rich gravy and is often served during special occasions. It is made from a mixture of plain flour and eggs, with a pinch of turmeric powder and butter. Desserts are a must for any Malay meal. Easily available at most local restaurants and roadside stalls, Malay desserts are invariably very sweet and include ingredients such as coconut milk, palm sugar, and flour.
Popular Malay dishes include : -

Khamis, 13 Jun 2013


Now that you know how much physical activity you need, watching what you eat is just as important. This is because your body requires proper nutrition to keep active and restore worn out cells. Also, study the portion guide which helps ensure your serving sizes are kept in check.
  • 1-3 servings a day
  • ½-2 serving of meat, poultry or eggs a day
  • 1 serving of fish a day
  • ½-1 serving of legumes a day
  • 3 servings of vegetables a day
  • 2 servings of fruit a day
  • 4 – 8 servings a day

    TWO weeks ago, you told us about the American Food Plate, which has replaced the old food pyramid. Is there a Malaysian version of the pyramid?
    Yes, there is. There is a set of Malaysian Dietary Guidelines, which has been recently revised (in 2010), to combat the mounting problem of obesity in Malaysia.
    It has two aims – get people to eat healthier and get them to practise an active lifestyle. Basically, we need to make better food choices in our daily meals. You can visit
    There are 14 key messages in these guidelines.
    There are messages in guidelines?
    Yes. They are:
    1. Eat a variety of foods, but they must be within your recommended daily food intake.
    2. Maintain your body weight within a healthy range.
    3. Be active physically every day.
    4. You should eat an adequate amount of rice, cereal products (whole grain is preferred) and tubers.
    5. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables every day.
    6. Eat moderate amounts of meat, fish, poultry (chicken, duck), eggs, legumes and nuts.
    7. Drink or eat adequate amounts of milk and milk products.
    8. Limit foods that are high in fats (like butter and fried foods). Try not to use so much oils or fats in preparing your food.
    9. Don’t use too much salt and sauces in preparing foods.
    10. Eat and drink foods and beverages that are low in sugar.
    11. Drink plenty of water every day.
    12. When you have a baby, breastfeed the baby exclusively on breast milk from the day he/she is born to the age of six months. Thereafter, continue breastfeeding while introducing other foods until your child is two years of age.
    13. Eat and drink safe foods and beverages.
    14. Make effective use of nutrition information on food labels. (Always look for kCal per serving/100g etc and find out what went into making that particular food.)

    When You Choose Healthy Eating!

    A healthy diet is probably going to cause...
    • you to lose excess weight
    • your blood pressure and cholesterol to go down
    • you will feel better
    • you will look better
    • you will have more energy
    • your cells will be happy
    • your immune system will get stronger
    • you will eliminate most or all of your medications
    • your God given healing process will have the ability to reverse sickness                        


Lion, The King of the Jungle
Lions of the jungle

Lion Species
These kings of the jungle can weigh between 250 and 550 pounds, depending on sex and age and can grow up to be 14 years old in the wild and over the age of 20 years old in captivity. They become capable at hunting at the age of two and are fully grown after 5 or 6 years. Male lions are distinguishable for their impressive manes, which signifies their masculinity and reflects their health. The darker and thicker the mane, the healthier the lion. It allows the lions to appear stronger and frightening to warn off enemies, particularly humans, and appeals to lionesses that are scientifically proven to mate more with lions with thick and dark manes. Lions with no manes are either genetically inbred or have been castrated.

White Lion
The legendary white lion was once thought to be a figment of one's imagination until less than fifty years ago, when white lion cubs were discovered. This is due a recessive gene and they are not albino as they do have pigmentation in vital parts such as they eye, paw and lip. Their condition is called leucism meaning they only have pigmentation loss in the skin and fur. There are less than fifty white lions in the world.
Man Eaters
Some lions have been known to eat humans however this is thought to only have been done by those who are suffering injuries and disabilities that make it difficult for them to hunt natural prey thus pursuing humans as they are weaker and easier to capture. Several other theories include wanting to defend itself. Another is that their natural habitat is unavailable and not wanting to starve, they attack humans. The thought that lions are predatory towards humans has created ignorance and increased the amount of hunting by encouraging the extermination of these creatures. Humans have taken over territories once belonging to lions and by forcing them to leave their natural home has further demolished their habitat and lifestyle, leaving them to suffer and destruct. Lions are now listed as being a vulnerable species and their population is now irreversibly decreased.
Lions have a devised a system of living in groups called prides that's based around related females. The majority of the pride, consisting of approximately 15 individuals and can sometimes even reach 40 individuals, is female with only a handful of male. Male cubs eventually leave and typically become nomads before taking over their own group as the territorial male and father of all cubs. They only leave the pride when challenged by other males and are forced to leave or are killed. Nomads usually travel lone or in pairs, most of the time being related males. If a female nomad attempts to join a pride, it is usually very difficult as the other lionesses reject their intruder who is not related to them.

Rabu, 12 Jun 2013

Car Tire Care Tips

1. Important to choose an appropriate tire car capacity. If the car engine 1.3, it is enough if using sport rims in 14 inches (35 centimeters).
If you use size 15 inch sport rims, car acceleration strength decreases, the speedometer did not record an accurate reading, shorten equipment life of shock absorbers and increase fuel consumption.

2. After getting the appropriate option, try to look on the side of the tire. There is a range of numbers as printed by the tires sink into the surface. Network actually this number gives us information about the date of tire kilangkan (week and year) and batch production at the plant. So when the tires do not meet the specifications, then love for parties to withdraw a tire on the market. We can use this information for security purposes.
  Accordance with the standards of international tires, tires only lasted for 2 years after the factory (after this period will be dead rubber tires (hard) and selamt not used). I give some examples of the range of numbers 4001 means the tire factory in Munggu to 40 in 2001 and expired date of the tire should be week 40 of 2003. So if we can have a store that sells tires with extraordinary cheapness price, try to check the date of the tire at the factory, maybe the tire is a tire that has expired. From that experience was told to me, the tires that have expired will be more happy exploded during a high speed.

3. About tire size, note the range of numbers and letters are printed arise on the surface of the tire edge. For example, print 205/50 VR 16 tires had a mean width of 205 millimeters (mm), the thickness of the tire from the rim to the road surface is 50 percent of the width of 205 mm and for the use of 16-inch diameter wheels. VR stands for tires suitable for speeds up to 240 kilometers per hour (km / h) without compromising the strength and durability of the tire.

4. There are various brands and offer the market price as Michellin, Yokohama and Falken. Important for buyers thinking of various weather factors and the probability and life expectancy car. Although some tires sold a little expensive, it is worth it to spend more if we take into account the quality and climatic factors. About tire type, the majority of us prefer imported tires especially from Japan. They are more expensive and arguably more gentle. It is true, tires like michelin, yokohama, Falken etc. more lenient because, tires were made based on less warm temperate climate and when used in Malaysia has always scorching heat, the tire would have a short life span (quickly exhausted flowers). Tire noise is dependent on the tire tread. Something quieter tires, the tire tread closer and is not suitable for wet road surfaces. More noisy tires, more grip and fits on a wet surface. So if we want a quiet tire, we had better take the Hittites during rain.

5. Tyres should be changed every 3 month position.
Way, the left front tire was transferred to the right rear and right front tires converted to left back (for 4 tires the same size). Better if the spare tire / parts also enter into swap tire rotation. To do so, enter the spare tire to the right rear, right rear to right front, right front to left rear, left front to the boot instead, back left to front left. All this depends kepad rotation of cars, drive systems and car suspension system.

6. Note also tread condition occasionally. If the tread on the side of the tire faster wear (thin), this means that the air pressure in the tires is not appropriate. If the center of faster wear, meaning the air pressure is too high and if they are worn on the outside of it, this means the tire alignment needs to be corrected. If the tread wear unevenly (volatility), the shock absorber (absorber) must be replaced.


Car Care Tip: Do not use water wash car engine

WE definitely fun and comfortable when looking at the car clean, shiny and engine parts are not dirty.

Do not use water when cleaning the engine because on the surface there are many traces of oil can not be removed with water.
The use of water can also cause a short circuit and car fuss. Seelo
k-preferably use the most classic ingredients of kerosene to remove oil and grease on the surface of the engine.

Now it's easier when there is a lot of detergents sold in stores accessory to disappear grease and tar. Spray the material in place is necessary, let it soak in and then wipe with a dry cloth.

Grease and waste lubricating oil should be cleaned immediately from the exterior because it can damage the engine fan belt, rubber hose and electric cable.

In addition to grease, dust or mud that sticks to the electrical components such as the alternator (starter motor), generator, starter coils, distributors and lighting can absorb water vapor and cause a short circuit.

On the other hand if the battery terminals are visible white sediment, flush with hot water then wipe with a cloth.

The sediment can be removed easily, but be careful and do not let water get into the battery. Ventilation holes on the battery cover should also be ensured to be always open.

When washing the engine, vehicle owners can determine if there is leakage of lubricating oil, an important element to ensure the continuity of all the moving parts work.

If realized no lubricant leakage, immediately find the cause and add lubricant when less.

In normal circumstances, after a few years, the engine chamber gasket can leak a little and was dripping lube. This can be seen on the floor of the car is parked. If the amount of droplets that many, probably in oil sum gasket is damaged.

In normal conditions the lubricant is reduced through condensation and combustion. But not many about 1/300-1/500 of total fuel consumption.

Amount of lubricant can be determined by examining the measuring gauge. Better check yourself because if left technician inspect fuel stations, in many cases you actually help develop their businesses.

Clean the outside is easier. Send only to the car wash and pay between RM5 and RM10. Within half an hour, your car is clean and beautiful again.

However, if you want to wash yourself, use the right soap, but avoid washing soap or bleach.

Typically, a new car is painted with high quality paint. If the surface is not cleaned well, it was quickly broken.

Dust and mud that stuck to the vehicle body can quickly absorb moisture and damage the paint. Besides looks dirty, paint resilient and cracks appear.

The first step is disappearing dust clean vehicles by making the spray without using soap.

When the surface of the vehicle body to be kept dry and not too dirty, dust can be wiped with attached feather. But, if the dirt can not be removed, use a clean damp cloth.

Use a dry cloth may cause scratches or scratch on the surface of the paint. This is because the dirt has a hard dust and sand grain.

When washing the vehicle with soap, do not let the soap stick too long in the body of the vehicle because it would increase the particle white spots and soap chemicals can damage the paint.

After washing, dry the car body with a clean cloth. For better results after dry rub car wax (candle). In addition to adding a flash car, wax protects the surface to remain interesting and alive.