Jumaat, 14 Jun 2013


Malay Food

Nasi Dagang
The dish is made by cooking rice and glutinous rice together, to which coconut cream is added once it is cooked. Nasi Dagang is eaten with its own specially made side dishes of tuna fish curry and a light vegetable pickle.

Keropok Lekor / Keping
A popular and the most visible fried snack in Terengganu, the keropok is made of fish meat, ground to a paste, and mixed with sago. Coming in two main different forms, the long chewy ones are called 'lekor', while the thin, crispy ones are called 'keping'. Keropok is best eaten hot with its special chili dip.

Ayam Goreng
This is a popular chicken dish. Simply meaning fried chicken, this dish is prepared by first marinating the chicken with various spices like turmeric and curry powder. It is then deep fried in hot oil and served.

A delightful yet simple dish, the laksam is akin to the western pasta dish. Like the latter, it has both the flour dough and the gravy that goes with it. However, unlike the pasta, laksam is made using both wheat and rice flours, and the dough is steamed instead of boiled. Laksam's gravy is made of fish meat, which is boiled, pureed, and later mixed with coconut milk.
 Roti Canai
Roti Canai is a kind of pancake prepared with wheat flour, eggs, ghee, or butter. It is eaten with meat or chicken curry. Best eaten hot, it is a perennial favorite served at most roadside stalls.

 Nasi Lemak
Nasi or rice is cooked in coconut milk and served with anchovies in chili sauce, a few slices of cucumber and a sliced, boiled egg.

 Nasi Goreng
This is white rice cooked with anchovies, prawns and chilies. A fried egg sunny side up is usually added.

 Nasi Dagang
Glutinous rice cooked in coconut milk and served with fish curry, cucumber pickles, and coconut sambal. It is a favorite breakfast in the east coast states of Kelantan and Terengganu.

Indian Food
• ChapatisAs well as rice, a number of different styles of unleavened, wheat-flour bread are eaten with Indian cuisine. Chutneys, pickles, and relishes are always served to complement and balance the main dishes.

• Pappadum Rolls
Pappadums are made from lentil flour and are sometimes flavored with whole cumin seeds. These flat, thin breads are almost always made in factories by skilled workers and are sold all over the world in small, plastic wrapped packets containing about 30 pappadums.

• Hot Pork Curry
The most popular meat in India is goat and lamb. Beef is not generally eaten for religious reasons. This dish can be made with beef or duck.

• Piquant Chick Peas
Much of the Indian population is vegetarian, and they enjoy the most extensive vegetable dishes in the world. Each region has distinct cooking techniques and flavoring principles for these dishes.

• Spiced Potato Samosas
Serve hot with tamarind sauce, sweet chili sauce of fresh miny chutney.

• Saffron Chicken Pullao
In a pan with a heavy base, stir rice in half ghee until the grains are well coated. Add saffron and spices and pour in 3 cups cold water. Cover and bring to boil, then reduce heat to lowest point and cook without removing the lid for 20 minutes. Let the dish sit for 5 minutes before serving.

• Tandoori Chicken Kebabs
Chicken is highly regarded in India and often served at special occasions. Shop-bought tandoori and vindaloo pastes can be kept tightly closed in the refrigerator for several months.

Variety is the spice in Malay food. The traditional culinary style has been greatly influenced by the long-ago traders from neighboring countries, such as Indonesia, India, the Middle East, and China. Malay food is often described as spicy and flavorful as it utilizes a melting pot of spices and herbs.
Malay cooking incorporates ingredients such as lemon grass, pandan (screwpine) leaves, and kaffir lime leaves. Fresh herbs, such as daun kemangi (a type of basil), daun kesum (polygonum or laksa leaf), nutmeg, kunyit (turmeric) and bunga kantan (wild ginger buds) are often used. Traditional spices such as cumin and coriander are used in conjunction with Indian and Chinese spices such as pepper, cardamom, star anise and fenugreek. Seasonings play an important role in Malay cooking as they often enhance the food taste and flavors. Many of the seasonings are not dried spices but are fresh ingredients such as fresh turmeric, galangal, fresh chili paste, onions, and garlic. A combination of fresh seasonings and dried spices are normally pounded together to make a fine paste and cooked in oil. Fresh coconut milk is often added.
Rice is the staple diet in any Malay meal. It is often served for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and supper too. Most meals are eaten by using your fingers, and eating utensils are kept to a minimum. All dishes are served at the same time, accompanied by a refreshing drink. Fish is popular in Malay cooking, as with other seafood such as shrimps and cuttlefish. Beef and mutton are very popular choices but never pork as it is against their religious beliefs to eat pork. The other popular white meat is chicken.
One of th

Most unique Malay dishes is the "roti jala" (lacy pancakes), which sometimes replaces the staple rice. Roti jala is an ideal accompaniment to any dish with lots of rich gravy and is often served during special occasions. It is made from a mixture of plain flour and eggs, with a pinch of turmeric powder and butter. Desserts are a must for any Malay meal. Easily available at most local restaurants and roadside stalls, Malay desserts are invariably very sweet and include ingredients such as coconut milk, palm sugar, and flour.
Popular Malay dishes include : -

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